Jesus Bless Us Artinya. blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heavenblessed are those who mourn for they shall be comfortedblessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earthblessed are those.
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The second verse talks about the Father freely forgiving us if we obey Him But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you – Matthew 633 If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness – 1 John 19.
Tuhan Artinya Tuan, Bahasa Inggrisnya "Lord"
Berkat Tuhan Adalah Bagi Mereka Yang Tidak Layak Mendapatkannya Yesus masuk ke kota Yerikho dan berjalan terus melintasi kota itu Di situ ada seorang bernama Zakheus kepala pemungut cukai dan ia seorang yang kaya Ia berusaha untuk melihat orang apakah Yesus itu tetapi ia tidak berhasil karena orang banyak sebab badannya pendek.
Jesus bless Us: Rancangan penelitian non ekperimental
Abraham was now a very old man and God blessed him in every way Abraham sudah tua sekali dan ia diberkati TUHAN dalam segala hal The child grew up and God blessed him Anak itu bertumbuh dan TUHAN memberkatinya When we met God blessed me with His grace Saat kita bertemu Tuhan memberkatimu dengan rahmatNya.
Why and How Does God Bless Us? Rick Thomas
Thank you for being so loving and caring God bless you abundantly in peace joy happiness wealth and peace of mind 8 On your birthday today why don’t you light a candle instead of blowing it out May that candle brings you the light of good fortune in your life wishing you a happy birthday in abundance of grace 9.
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Bagi Mereka Yang Berkat Tuhan Adalah Tidak Layak
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May God bless and keep you always; God bless you with joy
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Jesus Bless Us Balas Hapus Balasan Balas Unknown 29 Juli 2020 2040 Sabela Ruth Sitorus 16 Desember 2020 0629 hi guys! God bless us! Balas Hapus Balasan Balas Anastasia 26 Mei 2021 0956 Hi guys jesus so God God bless Us Balas Hapus Balasan Balas Unknown 21 Juli 2021 0413 Puji tuhan???? ️.