Create Sequence My_Emp_Seq. The EMP_ID_SEQ sequence is invalidated when you modify the EMPLOYEE_ID column C The EMP_ID_SEQ sequence is not affected by modifications to the EMPLOYEES table D Any other column of NUMBER data type in your schema can use the EMP_ID_SEQ sequence E The EMP_ID_SEQ sequence is dropped automatically when you drop the EMPLOYEES table F.

Section 16 Docx Test Dp Section 16 Quiz Review Your Answers Feedback And Question Scores Below An Asterisk Indicates A Correct Answer Section Course Hero create sequence my_emp_seq
Section 16 Docx Test Dp Section 16 Quiz Review Your Answers Feedback And Question Scores Below An Asterisk Indicates A Correct Answer Section Course Hero from

Create Sequence syntax as CREATE SEQUENCE emp_seq INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1 NOMAXVALUE NOCYCLE CACHE 10 Note Start with starting value of the Sequence it is anything CACHE clause preallocates a set of sequence numbers and keeps them in memory so that sequence numbers can be accessed faster.

Create & Alter Sequence in Oracle Smart way of Technology

ArgumentsGeneral RemarksSecurityExamplessequence_name Specifies the unique name by which the sequence is known in the database Type is sysname [ built_in_integer_type | userdefined_integer_type A sequence can be defined as any integer type The following types are allowed 1 tinyint Range 0 to 255 2 smallint Range 32768 to 32767 3 int Range 2147483648 to 2147483647 4 bigint Range 9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 5 decimal and numericwith a scale of 0 6 Any userdefined data type (alias type) that is based on one of the allowed types If no data type is provided the bigintdata type is used as the default START WITH The first value returned by the sequence object The STARTvalue must be a value less than or equal to the maximum and greater than or equal to the minimum value of the sequence object The default start value for a new sequence object is the minimum value for an ascending sequence object and the maximum value for a descending sequence object INCREMENT Sequence numbers are generated outside the scope of the current transaction They are consumed whether the transaction using the sequence number is committed or rolled back Duplicate validation only occurs once a record is fully populated This can result in some cases where the same number is used for more than one record during creation but then gets identified as a duplicate If this occurs and other autonumber values have been applied to subsequent records this can result in a gap between autonumber values and is expected behavior Permissions Requires CREATE SEQUENCE ALTER or CONTROLpermission on the SCHEMA 1 Members of the db_owner and db_ddladmin fixed database roles can create alter and drop sequence objects 2 Members of the db_owner and db_datawriter fixed database roles can update sequence objects by causing them to generate numbers The following example grants the user AdventureWorks\\Larry permission to create sequences in the Test schema Ownership of a sequence object can be transferred by using the ALTER AUTHORIZ Audit To audit CREATE SEQUENCE monitor the SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP For examples of creating sequences and using the NEXT VALUE FOR function to generate sequence numbers see Sequence Numbers Most of the following examples create sequence objects in a schema named Test To create the Test schema execute the following statement.


To create a sequence in your own schema you must have the CREATE SEQUENCE system privilege To create a sequence in another user&#39s schema you must have the CREATE ANY SEQUENCE system privilege Syntax create_sequence= Description of the illustration create_sequencegif Semantics schema Specify the schema to contain the sequence If you omit schema then Oracle Database creates the sequence in your own schema sequence.

Mugiwarayaa: Database Programming with SQLSection 16 Quiz

You create a sequence with the following statement CREATE SEQUENCE my_emp_seq Which of the following statements about this sequence are true? (Choose two) Mark for Review (1) Points (Choose all correct answers) When the sequence exceeds its maximum value it will continue to generate numbers starting with MINVALUE.

Section 16 Docx Test Dp Section 16 Quiz Review Your Answers Feedback And Question Scores Below An Asterisk Indicates A Correct Answer Section Course Hero

C The CREATE SEQUENCE command would not execute because the


CREATE SEQUENCE (TransactSQL) SQL Server Microsoft Docs

create_sequence= Description of the illustration create_sequencegif Semantics schema Specify the schema to contain the sequence If you omit schema then Oracle Database creates the sequence in your own schema sequence Specify the name of the sequence to be created If you specify none of the following clauses then you create an ascending sequence that starts with 1 and increases by 1 with no upper limit.